
Quezon Trip 2022

3 years ago by Kristalyn Hazel 2 comment
It's been a long time comin', but we here now! (yeah, it's a 2NE1 reference) - it has been DECADES since we had a summer trip and a MILLENIA since I posted something...

Taiwan Trip 2019 | Day 3

5 years ago by Kristalyn Hazel 0 comment
Our last day was spent primarily in Taipei Zoo. We started our day as early as the trains opened. Their zoo was waaaaay far from any establishments, like literally. There were no nearby...

Taiwan Trip 2019 | Day 2

5 years ago by Kristalyn Hazel 0 comment
Day 2 of our trip was an arranged tour, just like the one sister-san rented on our Davao Trip. We started early with a 7-11 breakfast and got picked up by our ride...

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