
Taiwan Trip 2019 | Day 3

Friday, June 26, 2020

Taiwan Trip 2019 | Taipei Zoo

Our last day was spent primarily in Taipei Zoo. We started our day as early as the trains opened.

Their zoo was waaaaay far from any establishments, like literally. There were no nearby stores and though it's easily accessible via train, there weren't much vehicles that travel around. We arrived just hours away they open and we were the first ones there too.

Taiwan Trip 2019 | Taipei Zoo Taiwan Trip 2019 | Taipei Zoo

We waited few hours outside, but it's better to be first in line too. Inside, we were greeted by a McDonald's joint - had our quick breakfast and started to explore.

All the attractions has specific time stamps when you are allowed to go in. They also have stubs to control crowd entry. The place was MASSIVE, there were tons of people roaming around but it didn't felt crowded at all.

Taiwan Trip 2019 | Taipei Zoo

Taipei Zoo has given me new meanings on "zoos". I didn't felt that the animals were "caged". All of the creatures were given ideal spaces, just enough for people to explore.

Taiwan Trip 2019 | Taipei Zoo Taiwan Trip 2019 | Taipei Zoo

My favorite spot of all is the bird's area. It was a huge space for all of the birds to fly around. There were no cages. We could actually interact with the birds up close of we want to. But of course, no feeding!

Taiwan Trip 2019 | Taipei Zoo
Taiwan Trip 2019 | Taipei Zoo Taiwan Trip 2019 | Taipei Zoo

Looking through my albums, we didn't get much photos of the animals there. It was more of just like stop-view-go. But we did took one of the most visited creatue of all - ze Panda! :D

Taiwan Trip 2019 | Taipei Zoo
Taiwan Trip 2019 | Taipei Zoo Taiwan Trip 2019 | Taipei Zoo

They also have amazing structures inside, all dedicated for particular species. This right here was for nocturnal creatures. It was made to mimic a cave, they've setup up red lights inside enough for you to observe the animals inside.

Taiwan Trip 2019 | Taipei Zoo
Taiwan Trip 2019 | Taipei Zoo

They also have these bus stations where it will take you to a different part of the zoo. Like for the bigger animals, they have a particular area for them.

Taiwan Trip 2019 | Taipei Zoo Taiwan Trip 2019 | Taipei Zoo
Taiwan Trip 2019 | Taipei Zoo

It's like a huge rainforest in one and on the other side it looks like a huge ranch, and on the other it will look like a safari. Whoever made the map of their Zoo is a genius!

Roaming around the place was tiring and they have vendo machines with watered bottles. The snack bars were strategically placed where people can rest, and that's away from the animals too.

If we were casually strolling around, I say we'd really spent the whole day inside. We got all tired with all the walking like the big kids we were. lol

We also tried the cable car! We stepped out the first stop and had a meal there.

Taiwan Trip 2019 | Taipei Zoo Taiwan Trip 2019 | Taipei Zoo
Taiwan Trip 2019 | Taipei Zoo

We had another traditional tea there, but it was nothing like the experience we had at Jiufen. The food was delicious tho!

Taiwan Trip 2019 | Taipei Zoo

Then we head back to the train station via the cable car again and find our way back to the main city.

We tried to walk and shop at the Underground Mall, but as we enter shops, I just got sad, cause everything is cheap and I can't take them back home 'cause I don't have extra space on my luggage anymore T___T.

In general, I love Taiwan! The long drives and long walks would be something to get used to, but it's a nice way to enjoy the sceneries. Streets are clean and I love how the attractions are not cramped in just one area and their train system is amazing. It would've been nice to roam around the city at night tho.

Foods are amazing, especially that 5 spices that they put on almost everything! Asking for water is automatically served hot and their 7-11 food choices are as good as dining out.

Language is indeed a struggle but all their public signages are well illustrated and funny too. People are also well-adjusted to conversing with tourists.

If you want to experience travelling overseas, Taiwan is a nice first. It's friendly and quite laid back.

Thank you for reading all the way through!

You can go back and read our first day >>here<< or our day two >>here<<

**The photos used at this post are taken with my Moto G5s phone and collectively grabbed from my sisters. Applications used: Adobe Photoshop.
More of our Taiwan photos here: https://kristalynhazel.tumblr.com/tagged/taiwan

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